Monday, September 11, 2023

 Wait, what? We can now criticize the new Star Wars movies?? Now we can admit that those evil fans who criticized were not racist and sexist pigs and all?*


*Again, a few vocal morons do not make a toxic fandom, otherwise feminism, trans activists, and literally every other group of people more than ten individuals would be in great trouble. But they were useful to dismiss valid criticism, weren't they?


Oh, I forgot. We do not go that far. In true Orwellian fashion we never did like the new Star Wars sequels. Also, Ghostbusters 2016 wasn't really good, either.

This is normally what happens. For some mysterious reason the "progressive" parts of the media absolutely stands beside extremely flawed movies, TV series because of the message they are forcing, and are useful for propagating their own culture wars fighting the evil White Patriarchy. The quality is irrelevant, the message matters. (Usually the forced message is the reason for the sh... questionable quality anyhow.) Part of it is the nature of the 'access media', but a large chunk of it is activism.

Some time passes, there are new outrages, so it is then becomes safe to actually admit that the work in question is actually sh... not very good, and has nothing to do with the original franchise/work it was adapted from. Now it is time to push the new stuff (like the new Snow White(ish), or the planned diverse Viking live action How to Train Your Dragon.) So the circle continues.

I guess it is The Wheel of Time's and the Rings of Power's turn now. I am sure we will see some articles in the mighty Guardian saying that the series strayed very far from the source material, and the character of Galadriel, is in fact, bad. You know, the very thing they called you a racist, sexist pig for.

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